SL 幻燈片1
分類號 作者號 序號 主題 製作 內容 編號 經文 片數 附件
A1-19 5754 001,002c.2,003c.3 3 神之創造,人的犯罪 Fred Visser Co. 神的創造,神造人,始祖受誘犯罪 401-419 創一1~六7 每組19片  
B1-10 5754 004,005c.2,006c.3 3 挪亞生平 Fred Visser Co. 挪亞造方舟,洪水來臨,亞一家出方舟,以虹立約 420-430 創六8~十一19 每組11片  
C1-2 5754 007,008c.2,009c.3 3 約伯 Fred Visser Co. 受試煉,與神對話,加倍賜福 431-432 伯一~四十二 每組2片  
D1-27 5754 010,011c.2,012c.3 3 亞伯拉罕 Fred Visser Co. 亞伯蘭離吾珥,亞伯蘭得福,後裔要多如眾星,始定割禮,應許生以撒,為子娶妻 433-461 創十一10~廿五10 每組29片 中文說明書1份
E1-16 5754 013,014c.2,015c.3 3 以掃,雅各 Fred Visser Co. 以掃賣長子名份,雅各欺父,雅各與拉結,雅各懼以掃,改名以色列,兄弟相見 462-479 創廿五11~三十七1 每組18片  
F1-36 5754 016,017c.2,018c.3 3 約瑟 Fred Visser Co. 被賣,主母誣告,為人解夢,當為宰相,與兄弟相認,約瑟歸葬其父 480-517 創三十七1~五十14 每組38片  
G1-21 5754 019,020c.2,021c.3 3 摩西 Fred Visser Co. 出生,逃亡米甸,神顯於荊棘火中,面對法老,十災,百姓出埃及,過紅海,歌頌耶和華 518-539 出一1~廿五21 每組22片 中文說明書1份
G22-40 5754 022,023c.2,024c.3,025c.4 4 會幕 Fred Visser Co. 傳十誡,召摩西登山,造會幕法則,百姓拜牛犢,安息年 540-558 出十五22~四十38 每組19片 中文說明書1份
G41-62 5754 029,030c.2,031c.3 3 窺探迦南 Fred Visser Co. 摩西遣人窺探迦南地,窺探者的報告 559-581 民十三1~33 每組23片 中文說明書1份
H1-62 5754 026,027c.2,028c.3 3 約書亞 Fred Visser Co. 攻耶利城,過約旦河,征服迦南地 582-601 書三1~廿二34 每組20片 中文說明書1份
I1-11 5754 035,036c.2,037c.3 3 士師記 Fred Visser Co. 基甸,參孫 602-613 士一1~廿一25 每組12片 中文說明書1份
J1-4 5754 038,039c.2,040c.3 3 路得 Fred Visser Co. 跟隨拿俄米,拾麥穗,嫁給波阿斯 614-617 得一~四 每組4片 中文說明書1份
K1-13 5754 041,042c.2,043c.3 3 撒母耳生平 Fred Visser Co. 撒母耳生,膏掃羅為王 618-634 撒上一1~十五35 每組17片 中文說明書1份
L1-47 5754 044,045c.2,046c.3 3 大衛 Fred Visser Co. 童年,打敗歌利亞,做以色列王,晚年 635-685 撒上十六1~王上二11 每組51片  
N1-25 5754 050,051c.2,052c.3 3 以利亞,以利沙 Fred Visser Co. 迦密山真偽先知,耶洗別與以利亞,以利沙的跟隨,乃縵與以利沙 697-721 王上十二2~王下九57 每組25片  
O1-4 5754 071,072c.2,073c.3 3 以賽亞 Fred Visser Co.   722-725 王下十24 每組4片  
O5-7 5754 053,054c.2,055c.3 3 約拿 Fred Visser Co. 奉差遣與違命,魚腹中的禱告,警告尼尼微人 726-728 拿一1~四11 每組3片  
O8-11 5754 056,057c.2,058c.3 3 以色列百姓離棄神 Fred Visser Co. 希西家壽數加增,拜偶像 729-731a   每組3片  
Q1-9 5754 059,060c.2,061c.3 3 以色列被擄 Fred Visser Co. 聖城被毀,耶利米下監,百姓被擄 732-740 王下廿五 每組9片  
Q1-12 5754 062,063c.2,064c.3 3 但以理 Fred Visser Co. 不用王膳,解王之夢,責王狂傲拜偶像,每日三次禱告神 741-752 但一1~六28 每組12片  
R1-8 5754 065,066c.2,067c.3 3 以斯帖 Fred Visser Co. 被選為后,王淮滅猶太人,求王廢哈曼的計謀 753-760 帖一1~九32 每組8片  
S1-15 5754 068,069c.2,070c.3 3 歸回耶路撒冷 Fred Visser Co. 重建聖殿,宣讀律法,歸回 761-774 拉,尼 每組14片  
AA1-9 5754 074,075c.2,076c.3 3 耶穌降生 Fred Visser Co. 1.General Map 2.Zacharlas and the Angel 3.Guide Chart 5.The Devout 6.Annunciation 8.Mary and  Elisabeth 10.Mary 11.Vision of Joseph 12.Birth of John, Jesus' Birth 13.Joseph and Mary Arrive 16.Birth of Jesus 17.Jesus' Cradle 19.The Angel of the Lord 20.The Announcement 21.The Visit of the Shepherd 22.The Pondering Mary 23.Jesus Circumcised  1-3,5-6,8,10-13,16-17,19-23 太一18~二1,路一5~二20 每組17片  
AA10-11 5754 077,078c.2,079c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 1--耶路撒冷 Fred Visser Co. Move 1- Jerusalem 26.Simeon 27.The Dedication of Jesus 32.The Wise Men in the East 33.The wise Men Meet Herod 36.Star over Bethlehem 37.Wise Men Worship 38.Mary and the Babe 39.Slaughter of the Innocents 26-27,32-33,36-39 太一25至二12,路二21~二390 每組8片  
AA12-14 5754 080,081c.2,082c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 2--拿撒勒 Fred Visser Co. Move 2- Nazareth 40.Fllght Into Egypt 42.Repose in Egypt 43.Advance With Caution 44.Holy Family at Nazareth 46.The Little Helper 40,42-44,46 太二13~19,路二39 每組5片  
AA15-16 5754 083,084c.2,085c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 3--耶路撒冷 Fred Visser Co. Move 3- Jerusalem 47.Guide Chart 48.Jesus at Twelve 50.Holy Family Nears Jerusalem 51.Jesus Located 53.Jesus and His Mother 47-48,50-53 太二19~23,路二40~52 每組6片  
CC1 5754 086,087c.2,088c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 4--猶大地 Fred Visser Co. Move 4- Jordan 55.Guide Chart 56.Jesus at Thirty 58.The Preaching of John 59.Jesus Baptized  60.Descent of Holy Spirit 55-56,58-60 太三1~17,可一~11,路三1~22,約一6~15 每組5片  
CC2-3 5754 089,090c.2,091c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 5--猶太曠野 Fred Visser Co. Move 5- Quarentinia 63.Jesus Enters Wilderness 64.After Forty Days 65.The Temptation 66.Angel Ministered Unto Him 67.Jesus, the Christ 63-67 太四1~11,可一12~13,路四1~13 每組5片  
CC4-5 5754 092,093c.2,094c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 6--伯賽大 Fred Visser Co. Move 6- Bethabara 69.John Preaching 70.Behold The Lame of God 71.John Points Out Jesus 72.Two Follow Him 73.First Four Disciples 69-73 路三23,約一19~51 每組5片  
CC6 5754 095,096c.2,097c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 7,8--迦拿 Fred Visser Co. Moves 7 and 8-Cana 74.Guide Chart 75.Four Enrouts to Cana 77.Wedding at Cana 78.Wine is Exhausted 79.Fill up the Jars 80.Best Is Last 74-75,77-80 約二1~11 每組6片  
CC8-11 5754 098,099c.2,0100c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 9--耶路撒冷 Fred Visser Co. Move 9- Jerusalem 84.Jesus Cleanses Temple 88.Jesus and Nicodemus 90.Jesus Teaching in Judea 84,88,90 約二13~四3 每組3片  
CC12-13 5754 0101,0102c.2,0103c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 10--敍加 Fred Visser Co. Move 10-Jaob's well 91.Guide Chart 94.Women of Sychar 95.Jesus and the Woman 97.Come, see the Man 99.Two Days in Sychar 91,94-95,97,99 太四12,可一14~六20,路三19~20,約四3~42 每組5片  
DD1-3 5754 0104,0105c.2,0106c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 11,12--拿撒勒 Fred Visser Co. Moves 11 and 12- Nazareth 102.The Nobleman's Son 104.Jesus Conducts the Service 105.The Tumult 102,104-105 路四14~30,約四43~54 每組3片  
DD5 5754 0107,0108c.2,0109c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 13--伯賽大 Fred Visser Co. Move 13- Bethsaida 106.Guide Chart 108.Heart-to-Heart Talks 110.Jesus Calls Peter and Andrew 111.Jesus Calls James and John 112.Teaches from a Boat 114.Miraculous Draught of Fishes 106,108,110-114 太四18~22,可一16~20,路五1~11 每組7片  
DD7-8 5754 0110,0111c.2,0112c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 14--迦百農 Fred Visser Co. Move 14- Capernaum 116.Man with Unclean Spirit 117.Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-law 118.Heals the Multitude 116-118 太八14~17,可一21~34,路四32 每組3片  
DD9 5754 0113,0114c.2,0115c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 15--加利利 Fred Visser Co. Move 15- Galilee 119.Guide Chart 120.Jesus Seeks Solitude 122.Jesus Heals a Leper 119-120,122 太四23~八4,可一35~45,路四~五16 每組3片  
DD10-12 5754 0116,0117c.2,0118c.3 3 耶穌行踨 16--迦百農 Fred Visser Co. Move 16- Capernaum 124.Jesus Preached 125.The Palsied Man 126.Matthew's Office 127.Call of Matthew 128.The Wine Skins 124-128 太九1~17,可二1~22,路五17~39 每組5片  
DD13 5754 0119,0120c.2,0121c.3 3 耶穌行蹤-- 17--耶路撒冷 Fred Visser Co. Move 17- Jerusalem 132.Multltudes at the Pool 133.Arise and Walk 134.Pharisees Angered 132-134 約五1~47 每組3片  
DD14-15 5754 0122,0123c.2,0124c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 18--迦百農 Fred Visser Co. Move 18- Capernaum 135.Guide Chart 136.Plucking the Grain 138.Heals the Withered Hand 139.Pharisdds and Herodlans 135-136,138-139 太十二9~21,可三1~12,路六6~11 每組4片  
DD17-18 5754 0125,0126c.2,0127c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 19--黑門山 Fred Visser Co. Move 19- Mount Hattan 140.selects the Twelve 142.Sermon on the Mount 143.Candle Stick 144.Consider the Lilies 145.The Two House 140,142-145 太四25~八1,可三13~19,路六12~49 每組5片  
DD19 5754 0128,0129c.2,0130c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 20--迦百農 Fred Visser Co. Move 20- Capernaum 146.Guide Chart 148.The centurion 146,148 太八5~13 每組2片  
DD20-21 5754 0131,0132c.2,0133c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 21-拿因 Fred Visser Co. Move 21- Nain 150.Raising the Widow's Son 151.John in Prison 152.Go Tell John What You Saw 153.Bllnd Receive Sight Preaches to Poor 155.Dead Raised 156.The Burden Bearer 150-156 太十一2~十二45,可三20~30,路七11~十一36 每組7片  
DD22 5754 0134,0135c.2,0136c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 22-迦百農 Fred Visser Co. Move 22- Capernaum 157.Guide Chart 158.Jesus Dines with a Pharisee 159.Jesus Teaches Women 160.Mary Magdalene 161.Preached and Healed 162.Mother Visits Jesus 157-162 太十二46~50,可三31~35,路八19~ 每組6片  
DD23a-281 5754 0137,0138c.2,0139c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 23-海邊 Fred Visser Co. Move 23- Sea Shore 163.Guide Chart 164.Preaching from a Boat 165.The sower 166.Abundant Harvest 167.Sowes of Tares 168.Goodly Pearls 169.The Net 170.Parable of the Leaven 171.Treasure in a Field 163-171 太十三1~53,可四1~34,路八4~ 每組9片  
DD29 5754 0140,0141c.2,0142c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 24-加利利海邊 Fred Visser Co. Move 24- Sea of Galilee 173.Jesus Calms the storm 174.A Great Calm 173-174 太八23~27,可四35~41,路八22~ 每組2片  
DD30 5754 0143,0144c.2,0145c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 25-格拉森 Fred Visser Co. Move 25- Gadara 176.The Maniac 177.Clothed and in His Right Mind 178.Beg Jesus to Leave 176-178 太八28~34,可五1~20,路八26~39 每組3片  
DD31-32 5754 0146,0147c.2,0148c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 26-迦百農 Fred Visser Co. Move 26-Capernaum 179.Guide Chart 180.Jairus Implores Jesus 181.He Heals a Woman 182.The Girl is Dead 183.Raising Jairus Daughter 184.Two Blind Men See 185.A Dumb Man Healed  179-185 太九18~34,可五21~43,路八40~56 每組7片  
DD33-35 5754 0149,0150c.2,0151c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 27-拿撒勒 Fred Visser Co. Move 27- Nazareth 187.Jesus Preaches at Nazareth 188.Laid Hand on Few 189.Praeching and Healing 190.The Twelve Sent Out 191.John Accuses Herod 193.John Beheaded 194.Head of John the Baptist 187-191,193-194 太九35~十四12,可六~32,路九1~10 每組7片  
EE1 5754 0152,0153c.2,0154c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 28-伯賽大 Fred Visser Co. Move 28- Bethsaida Julius 196.Feeding Five Thousand 196 太十四13~21,可六33~44,路九11~17,約六1~14 每組1片  
EE2 5754 0155,0156c.2,0157c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 29-加利利海 Fred Visser Co. Move 29- Sea of Galilee 197.Guide Chart 198.Jesus Walks on the Water 201.Multltudes Healed 202.Bread of Life 203.Many Leave Him 197-203 太十四22~十五20,可六45~七23,約六15~七1 每組7片  
EE7-8 5754 0158,0159c.2,0160c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 30-底加波利 Fred Visser Co. Move 30- Decapolis 206.The Canaanitish Women 208.Many Cures in Decapolis 209.Heals a Deaf Mute 210.Four Thousand Fed 206,208-210 太十五21~39,可七24~八10 每組4片  
EE10 5754 0161,0162c.2,0163c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 31-伯賽大 Fred Visser Co. Move 31- Bethsaida 211.Guide Chart 214.Jesus Meets a blind Man 215.Sight Restored 211,214-215 可八22~26 每組3片  
EE11 5754 0164,0165c.2,0166c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 32-該撒利亞腓利比 Fred Visser Co. Move 32-Caesarea 217.The Good Confession 218.Peter Chastised 217-218 太十六13~28,可八27~31,路九18~ 每組2片  
EE12-14 5754 0167,0168c.2,0169c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 33-黑門山 Fred Visser Co. Move 33-Mount Hermon 219.Guide Chart 221.The Transfiguration 222.Good to be Here 223.My Beloved Son 219,221-223 太十七1~13,可九2~13,路九28~36 每組4片  
EE16 5754 0170,0171c.2,0172c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 34-迦百農 Fred Visser Co. Move 34- Capernaum 224.Demoniac Healed 226.A little Child  224,226 太十七14~21,可九14~29,路九37~43 每組2片  
FF2-3 5754 0173,0174c.2,0173c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 35-耶路撒冷 Fred Visser Co. Move 35-Jerusalem 228.Woman Taken in Sin 229.Jesus Writes 230.Go Thy Way, Sin no More 231.Light of the World 228-231 約八1~59 每組4片  
FF7-8 5754 0176,0177c.2,0178c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 36-毘利亞 Fred Visser Co. Move 36- Peraea 232.Secvnty Sent Out 233.The Good Sainaritan 234.At the Inn 232-234 太十一20~30,路十1~37 每組3片  
FF5-6 5754 0179,0180c.2,0181c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 37,38-伯大尼 Fred Visser Co. Move 37 and 38- Bethany 237.Mary and Martha 239.Man Born Blind 240.Blind Alan Obey 241.Questloned By the Jews 242.Cast Out of the Temple 244.The Good Shepherd 245.Jesus at Prayer 237,239-245 路十38~42,約九1~十39 每組7片  
FF8 8427 0225,0227c.2 2 好撒瑪利亞人 New China Lantern Slide Ser.   1-22 路十25~37 每組22片  
GG5-6 5754 0182,0183c.2,0184c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 39-毘利亞 Fred Visser Co. Move 39- Peraea 247.Guide Chart 249.Greater Barns 250.Thy Soul is Required 251.A Woman Healed 252.Invitation to a Great Supper 253.The Poor Are Invited 254.The Lost Sheep 255.he Good Shepherd 256.The Last Coin 257.Prodigal Leaves 258.Feeding Swine 259.Prodigal Returns 260.A Certain Rich  247,249-260 路十三1~十六13 每組13片  
GG7 5754 0185,0186c.2,0183c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 40-伯大尼 Fred Visser Co. Move 40- Bethany 261.Lazarus is Sick 262.Lazarus Restored to Life 263.Lazarus Lives Again 261-263 路十六14~31,約十一1~44 每組3片  
GG9-14 5754 0188,0189c.2,0190c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 41-毘利亞 Fred Visser Co. Move 41- Peraea 266.Guide Chart 268.Ten Leper Healed 270.Children Brought to Jesus 271.The Unjust Judge 272.Pharisee and Publican 273.Eleventh Hour Worker 274.Parable of the Tower 275.Unjust Steward 276.The Rich Young Ruler 277.Monther of James and John 266,268,270-277 太十九3~28,可十2~45,路十七11~十八3 每組10片  
GG16 5754 0191,0192c.2,0193c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 42-耶利哥 Fred Visser Co. Move 42- Jericho 279.Zacchaeus in a Tree 280.Salvation for Zacchaeus 281.Blind Bartimaeus Healed 279-281 太廿29~34,可十46~52,路十八35~十九28 每組3片  
HH1 5754 0194,0195c.2,0196c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 43-伯大尼 Fred Visser Co. Move 43- Bethany 282.Parable of the Pounds 284.The Bethany Supper 285.Mary Anoints Jesus 286.Jesus Report to Omcials 282,284-286 太廿六6~13,可十四3~9,約十二1~11 每組4片  
HH2-3 5754 0197,0198c.2,0199c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 44,45- Jerusalem Fred Visser Co. Move 44,45- 287.Guide Chart 288.Secures a Colt 290.The King Comes In 292.Triumphal Entery 294.Cleansing the Temple 295.Angry Priests 296.Children Spreading Flowers 287-288,290,292,294-296 太廿一20~廿三39,可十一20~十二44,路廿1~廿一4 每組7片  
H4-12 5754 0200,0201c.2,0202c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 46-耶路撒冷 Fred Visser Co. Move 46-Jerusalem 297.Guide Chart 298.Jesus Warns Them 299.The Husbandmen 300.The Wedding Garment 301.The Tribute Mones 302.The Two Sons 303.The Widow's Contribution 297-303 太廿一21~廿三39,可十一20~十二44,路廿1~廿一4 每組7片  
JJ1-2 5754 0203,0204c.2,0205c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 47-橄欖山 Fred Visser Co. Move 47- Olivet 305.Jesus Goes to Olivet 306.A Sad Story 307.Ten Virgins 308.Five Wise Enter 309.The Talents 310.The Unprofitable Servant 311.Ye Have Done It Unto Me 312. Christ on the Mount of Olivet 313.Judas and The Counsel 305-313 太廿四1~廿六16,可十三1~十四11,路廿一5~廿二6 每組9片  
JJ5-11 5754 0206,0207c.2,0208c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 48-耶路撒冷 Fred Visser Co. Move 48- Jerusalem 314.Guite Chart 316.Man With a Pitcher  321.The Paschal Supper 322.Judas Pointed Out 323.Judas Leaves 324.Washes Disiples Feet 325.The Lord's Supper 326.Judas and the Lenders 327.Jesus' Last Sermon 314,316,321-327 太廿六17~29,可十四12~25,路廿二7~20,約十三 每組9片  
JJ12-14 5754 0209,0210c.2,0211c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 49-客西馬尼園 Fred Visser Co. Move 49- Gethsemann 328.The Intercessory Prayer 333.Sorrowful Unto Death 334.Sleeping Disciples 335.Second Prayer 336.Third Prayer of Jesus 337.The Approaching Mob 338.The Betrayal 339.Peter Gets Violent 340.The Arrest of Jesus 328,333-340 太廿六30~56,可十四26~52,路廿二39~53,約十八1~ 每組9片  
KK1-6 5754 032,033c.2,034c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 50-耶路撒冷 Fred Visser Co. Move 50- Jerusalem 341.Guide Chart 342.Annas and Caiaphas 343.Christ Before Annas 344.Sent Bound to Caiaphas 345.Peter Denies His Master 346.Before the Sanhedrin 347.Judas Returns the Money 348.I Have Sinned 341-348 太廿六58~75,可十四54~72,路廿二54~71,約十八13~27    
KK7-10 5754 0212,0213c.2,0214c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 51-安東尼雅 Fred Visser Co. Move 51- The Antonia 352.Christ Before Pilate 353.Christ and Pilate Alone 354.Pilate People 355.Christ Before Herod 356.Jesus Mocked 358.Crown of Thorns 359.Pilate's Wife 360.I Am Innocent 361.Behold the Man 363.Jesus Delivered Up 352-356,357-361,363 太廿七1~31,可十五1~20,路廿三1~24,約十八28~十九15 每組10片  
KK11-18 5754 0125,0126c.2,0127c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 52-各各他 Fred Visser Co. Move 52- Golgotha 364.Guide Chart 365.Simon of Cyrene 366.Daughters of Jerusalem 369.At Golgotha 370.The Two Thieves 371.Nalled to the Cross 372.The Centurion 364-366,369-372 太廿七26~56,可十五22~41,路廿三25~49,約十九16~37 每組9 片  
KK14-LL6 5754 0218,0219c.2,0220c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 53-耶路撒冷城外 Fred Visser Co. Move 53-Garden Tomb 374.Joseph Requests Jesus Body 375.Taking Jesus from the Cross 376. Mary Leaves Cross 377.Angel Sat on Stone 378.Christ Arose379.The Two Marys 380.See Where the Lord Lay 381.Peter and John 382.Mary Magdalene Returns 383.Mary Hears Her Name 389.The Walk to Emmaus 374-383,389 太廿七57~廿八15,可十五42~十六11,路廿三50~廿四11 每組12片 說明書1分(中文)
LL7-16 5754 0221.0222c.2,0223c.3 3 耶穌行蹤 54-復活,升天 Fred Visser Co. Move 54- 390.The Repast at Emmaus 391.Our Lord 392.Appearance to the Apostles 393.Thomas Convinced 394.He Knew Their Struggles 395.It is the Lord 396.Peter Goes Ashore 397.Early Breakfast 398.Lovest Thou Me 400.Great Commission 401.The Ascension 390-398,400-401 太廿八16~20,可十六12~20,路廿四34~53,約廿19~廿一24 每組11片 說明書1分(中文)
MM1-2 5754 0224 1 五旬節能力 Fred Visser Co. 1.聖靈降臨 2.彼得的講道 901-905 徒一~二 每組5片  
NN1-12 5754 0226 1 使徒在耶路撒冷 Fred Visser Co. 1.醫美門的瘸子 2.凡物公用 3.亞拿尼亞與撒非喇 906-917 徒三~五 每組12片  
OO1-6 5754 0228 1 司提反與腓利 Fred Visser Co. 1.司提反殉道 2.腓利在撒瑪利亞 918-924 徒六~八 每組7片  
PP1-14 5754 0230 1 見異象 Fred Visser Co. 1.掃羅悔改 2.彼得見異象 3.彼得神奇的出監 925-948 徒九~十二 每組24片  
QQ1-9 5754 0232 1 第一次宣教 Fred Visser Co. 1.差巴拿巴與保羅 2.在居比路,以哥念 3.耶路撒冷大會 947-958 徒十三~十五 每組10片  
RR1-11 5754 0234 1 第二次宣教 Fred Visser Co. 1.馬其頓的呼聲 2.禁卒全家歸主 3.在庇哩亞,雅典,哥林多 4.百基拉,亞居拉,亞波羅 959-975 徒十六~十八 每組17片  
SS1-9 5754 0236 1 第三次宣教 Fred Visser Co. 1.在以弗所 2.經馬其與希臘 3.往耶路撒冷 4.保羅被捉 976-984 徒十九~廿一 每組9片  
TT1-17 5754 0238 1 由耶路撒冷至羅馬 Fred Visser Co. 1.保羅的分訴 2.在腓力斯受審 3.在非斯都前受審 4.在亞基帕王前受審 5.坐船遇風浪 985-1001 徒廿二~廿八 每組18片  
215 8003 0245 1 創造論與進化論 Moody Bible Institute 說明創造論與進化論並作比較 1-75   每組75片 錄音帶1卷(中文發音)時間18'30"
220.1 8003 0239,0241c.2 2 書中之書 Moody Bible Institute 簡介聖經的作者,主題,內容 1-43   每組43片 錄音帶1卷(中文發音)時間22'14"
222.1 8003 0247 1 摩西五經 Moody Bible Institute 創世記,出埃及記,利未記,民數記,申命記之簡介 1-42   每組42片 錄音帶1卷(中文發音)時間15'06"
222.2 8003 0242 1 希伯來王國的興起 Moody Bible Institute 舊約歷史書-約書亞記,士師記,路得記,撒母耳上,下的簡介 1-40   每組40片 錄音帶1卷(中文發音)時間17'44"
222.5 8003 0244 1 希伯來王國的衰亡 Moody Bible Institute 列王記上,下,歷代志上,下,以斯拉記,尼希米記,以斯帖記之簡介 1-43   每組43片 錄音帶1卷(中文發音)時間32'04"
223 8003 0229 1 詩歌書 Moody Bible Institute 對約伯記,詩篇,箴言,傳道書,雅歌內容有概略性的簡介 1-42   每組42片 錄音帶1卷(中文發音)時間17'50"
223 8003 0243 1 先知書 Moody Bible Institute 大,小先知書簡介 1-40   每組40片 錄音帶1卷(中文發音)時間22'44"
225.9 8003 2040 1 兩約中間史略 Moody Bible Institute 在舊約與新約400年之間的歷史研究 1-38   每組38片 錄音帶1卷(中文發音)時間1-38
226.12 8003 0231,0233c.2 2 四福音 Moody Bible Institute 馬太福音,馬可福音,路加福音,約翰福音的簡介 1-36   每組36片 錄音帶1卷(中文發音)時間13'15"
226.6 8003 0235 1 使徒行傳 Moody Bible Institute 此卷書簡介 1-42   每組42片 錄音帶1卷(中文發音)
227 8003 0237 1 羅馬書至啟示錄 Moody Bible Institute 各卷簡介 1-45   每組45片 錄音帶1卷(中文發音)時間20'
266.709371 3458 0252 1 India,Land Of Intrigue Department of Word Mission 循理會在印度的宣教工作 1-100   每組100片 錄音帶1卷(英語發音)時間15'
266.709392 3458 0253 1 Calico:Lost and Found Vii Department of Word Mission 循理會在菲律賓的宣教工作 1-75   每組75片 錄音帶1卷(英語發音)時間13'
266.709392 3458 0225 1 God At Word Department of Word Mission 循理會在菲律賓的宣教工作 1-67   每組67片 錄音帶1卷(英語發音)時間12'
266.709392 3458 0256 1 Welcome! To the Philippines Department of Word Mission 循理會在菲律賓的宣教工作 1-61   每組61片 錄音帶1卷(英語發音)時間10'
220.91 1690 0260 1 保羅宣教路綫考察 聖光神學院 1992年4月聖光神學院所舉辦的"保羅宣教路綫考察"包含七教會 1-100     說明表1份
220.912 1409 0249 1 Jerusalem Archaeology Slide Set Bible Archaeloogy Society 介紹耶路撒冷之地理,歷史 1-138   每組142片  
220.912 9005 0250,0252c.2 2 The Holy Land Sami Awwad 介紹耶路撒冷之地理,歷史 1-100   每組100 片 錄音帶1卷(英語發音),書一本,時間90'
220.93 1409 0248 1 Galilee Archaeology Slide Set Bible Archaeloogy Society 介紹加利利之地理,歷史 1-140   每組140片 書一本
268.7 1690,8880 0246,0257c.2 2 聖光神學院簡介 聖光神學院 聖光大樓重建的推介,學院的歷史,概況簡介 1-87     錄音帶日語1卷,中文2卷,英文2卷,台語1卷,中,英解說各一卷,時間18'30"
233.2 4060 0259 1 何苦如此 校園團契出版社 討論有關罪的問題 1-18     錄音帶1卷(中文發音),書二本
398.8 9033 0258 1 愛情與生命(第二篇)-從幼年到成熟 光啟社 說明男,女在生理方面的成長過程 1-48     錄音帶1卷(中文發音),書一本,時間17'